Who should use this?

Any parent or caring adult who wants to talk to their kids about bodies, relationships, and sexuality. This is a great tool to practice what you will say, whether you are getting ready to start conversations or are already having them. These are ongoing, lifelong conversations - we hope to give you the tools to feel confident having them!

Does the website tell you common questions?

Yes, this website will share common questions and sample answers. If there are questions you would like to see, please send them to us through our contact form.

Do I have to fill in my own answers?

You may, but you don't have to! Our tool will fill in potential answers for you, but you can always replace or change them so that they feel more like something you would say. To flip through different answers, click "Next Suggestion" below the answer.  You can also type your own words directly into the box, and they will show up in your script.

What should I do if the words don't feel quite right?

Make it your own! You can always replace or change any part of the answer so that it feels more like something you would say. To flip through different answers, click "Next Suggestion" below the answer. You can also type your own words directly into the box, and they will show up in your script.